1. This is the busiest time (I think? maybe it's always the busiest time) in the garden, and I'm having trouble AS USUAL keeping up with photos, etc. I've been taking them, but getting them uploaded is another matter.

    ANYWAY. I have some big posts in mind  - I've been visiting a lot of gardens - but for now, let's revisit some friends from a few weeks ago! 

    Peony and ants

    The peony above, last seen here now looks like.... 


    THIS. Or rather it did before it started raining again. It's slightly bedraggled now but still a stunner.

    Cinder block raised bed garden.

    tomatoes in raised bed made of blocks first seen here

    Tomato update

    Are perking right along! I planted them on May 2, and this photo was taken on May 20. I'm very pleased with how this is turning out so far. I got the starts at Fred Meyer and pulled off all the bottom leaves and planted them deep. It seems to be paying off! Lots of side growth and lots of blossoms. We'll see if that warm sunny stretch will be enough to get them through the current cold rainy stretch... 

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  2. Bumblebee on Rhodie
     We're very fortunate to have MANY BEES in the garden. There's multiple hives of honeybees  nearby, plus these great big bumblebees. I'm not sure where they live, but they do love the rhododendrons. I love to see the bees doing their bee thing.


    Clematis by the shed, just starting to open out. It is amazing how well plants respond to FOOD AND WATER. I know, right? ha ha. I want to do this for the clems to grow on. I just have to find the wire!

    Bright spring

    A view from under a rhodie. I was weeding (so much weeding) and liked the green and pink and the light.

    Busby watches the hummingbird

    This is from Saturday - Busby the cat (right by the crape myrtle he likes to sharpen his claws on) watching that sass-mouth hummingbird that bosses me around.

    Cinder block raised bed garden.

    And this is a little random, but I'm putting it here anyway. I LOVE THIS IDEA. This is an area that's mostly paved (there's a strip of soil along the retaining wall) but gets a lot of sun. I saw the cinder block raised bed idea on Pinterest and couldn't shake it. So portable! So flexible! So heat-reataining! Next year I'll add another layer of blocks so it's deeper, but I think it will work just fine this year. I put the tomatoes toward the back, so they can reach down to that soil beneath the bed if they feel like it. I'll keep you updated.

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  3. I realize the last post said LAST DAY of April, but these photos are from the last few days of April.

    It's been sunny and warm (high 70s/ low 80s) for several days in a row, so all the spring things are cycling through very fast. I thought I'd better get some photos up before it's all gone by. These are all from my phone - I'll be getting some better pictures with my camera camera once things have settled a little bit. (I HOPE.)

    last day of April

    This is facing west - the two trees are lilacs that I hoped would bloom this year, but didn't. No matter! They will be gorgeous when they do. They were purchased at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens a couple of years ago. If you're looking for a lovely garden to stroll through, I recommend taking the trip up there.  The fern got completely cut back in the late winter. We only started doing this recently - it makes for a much happier (and more reasonably sized) fern. You can see the bluebells in the background and the phlox in the foreground.


    bluebells and many poppy leaves. The heat has finished them off early this year.  They spread like crazy and make a mess with their leaves, but I sure do like them.


    Pretty yellow arnica flowers (aka: Leopard's Bane), bluebells (I told you they get everywhere), poppy leaves (DITTO - the poppies are starting to bloom now, but those are pictures for another post), the crooked bird bath that I can't get level no matter what I do, the crape myrtle that the cats use as a scratching post, the lilac that's also not blooming because it got a severe haircut last year, and to the right the multiple trunks (? stems??) of the mock orange. I love the mock orange.


    SWEET WOODRUFF,  how I love you! It smells good and fills in awkward spots. This is an old brick window planter under the main living room window. It gets a little sketchy once it gets really hot, but it's so lovely in the spring. The tree trunk you see  to the left is yet another lilac, which is the last (really first) of the lilacs! I realize these photos make it seem like they're everywhere. They're not, really.

    the five leaved small tree in the lower left is a horse chestnut. There's a HUGE version of this tree in the corner of the yard, but apparently the squirrels want them everywhere. I spent a goodly portion of today pulling them out.

    OKAY! On to the beginning of May post. I'm really hoping I can pull it together and get a visual guide of what the garden looks like during its busy season. There's always so much to do, but it's rewarding to see how it changes.

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  4. things are really taking off - we've had some very warm days, cool nights, and recently rain. We're heading into a warm (80 degrees) stretch so I think things will be cycling very fast! It's one of the busiest bloom times in the garden.

    I love these white rhodies - they have just a hint of pink as the open and I think they look like cotton candy. (or CLOUDS, obviously.)

    Peony and ants
    Peonies are getting ready! This one is white with pink streaks toward the center.

    Hummingbird! He's very demanding. I keep thinking I'm going to cut him off and let him fend for himself from the THOUSANDS of blooming flowers around the neighborhood, but he gets all up in my business if I let the feeders go empty, so I don't know. The entertainment value is HIGH. I'll probably keep the feeders going until the fuchsias are ready.

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  5. Azaleas
    it has been a long time since I've updated this blog, but I've decided to bring it back. Mostly photos! I am mostly drawn to taking these kind of close ups, but I'm going to try to do some from a little further out so they can be seen in the context of the garden.


    it has been sunny and lovely here in Portland this past week. These little poppies started blooming like crazy overnight.

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  6. pink rhododendron
    We've not had much consistent sun here in Portland, but the days we've had have been GLORIOUS. I love early june when the late blooming spring things are still going (rhodies, iris,) but summer things like roses, columbine, and foxglove are starting and in between things like poppies glue it all together.

    this oregano was a small start from a friend. It's everywhere now, but I like it. Not only do I cook with it, but it's handy for ground cover. (I do need to cut it back from some neighboring thyme, though.)

    foxglove! Love them always, even as they end up in inconvenient spots and seem to love growing right on top of roses.

    I like this because you can see the purple columbine and orange poppies in the background.

    These are so picture-book beautiful I can't even stand it. Of course I only think to take pictures when the sun is high and it's hard to get a good shot.

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  7. shasta daisy
    These are from June/ July. I love Shasta daisies, I just wish I could figure out a way to keep them from falling over once they get really tall. I've used string before, but it didn't work out particularly well.

    I love the chocolate brown stem on these! I took this photo on a walk - it's not my hydrangea, although I think I'll look for one like this. I wonder what color the flowers turned out to be. (maybe time for another walk.)

    poppy skeleton
    I found this while doing some cleanup - it's the skeleton of a poppy seed pod. I think it's beautiful.

    crocosmia! I still need to move it, as I have for many years. The little orange cat makes himself a summertime cave at the base of the plant and I guess I don't want to ruin it for him.

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  8. swallowtail

    Here's an up to date picture for the blog: these were taken just a couple of days ago. The Swallowtails have been a little late this year, which I chalk up to the late long (for oregon) winter. But they're here now! There are usually two in the yard, but sometimes more.


    The hummingbirds like this plant, too. I know they're invasive in some areas, but these have stayed put and lasted a number of years.

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  9. foxglove
    the foxglove are mostly gone by now, but I love them and wanted to get these pictures up. I'm sorry I missed out on the giant black bumblebee that was collecting pollen, but what can you do?

    I love the purple color, the spots, and the fringy guard hairs on this one.

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  10. some summertime pictures! My computer was broken, but now it is fixed, and I'm going to be putting a bunch of summer pictures up. (fair warning)

    pink bush rose

    this rose grows in a raised bed along the driveway. It only blooms once, but it's so beautiful when it does! neither of these photos do it justice.

    pink bush rose

    this isn't exactly in focus, but it gives you a good idea of what the color is like. This one creeps along, sending runners further and further out. I need to put some fresh soil in the bed and make sure it's watered more often (some crape myrtles protect it from most of the rain), but I still think it looks pretty darn good.

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